Environmental Toxins: The Lethal Danger of Mold

We live in the age of environmental awareness. With the prices of oil and natural gas sky-rocketing in the commodities market, it is no wonder that we are striving, more than ever, to be greener in our search for alternative, eco-friendly and efficient ways to generate energy. Recycling and making an effort to eat organic […]

Dog Bites – Dog attacks are events we see frequently in the news – New York City Personal Injury Lawyer

New York City Personal Injury Lawyer  says Dog attacks are events we see frequently in the news. This case involves a pit bull and a boat mechanic from Brooklyn named “Carmine”. Brooklyn, New York (New York Injury News ) — Carmine was a hard worker and preferred to keep his business to himself. He wasn’t […]

Self-Defense? You Decide in this case of Premises Liability

New York premises liability lawyer educates on  premises liability laws in New York State. New York City, New York (NewYorkInjuryNews.com) — New York can be a tough city. It is easy for a simple disagreement to get blown out of proportion and turn into physical violence. Many of us at one point in our lives […]