By Robert G. Sullivan, Esq. In a previous article, I discussed the importance of screening and diagnostic mammographies. What is equally important to a patient is the selection of a professional and reputable radiology facility for these critical studies. A patient should never assume that all radiology facilities are the same. Like many things in […]
Whether your case involves medical malpractice, wrongful death due to medical malpractice in the State of New York, personal injury attorney Robert Sullivan can help. New York Medical Malpractice Attorneys – Lawyers of Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo P.C.
Nicholas Papain- New York Personal Injury Lawyer, Construction accident attorney Papain on Rights of Workers Injured on a Barge.
New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Robert G. Sullivan, Esq says:An investigation into the qualifications of your dentist is equally important.
Frequently when a personal injury trial gets attention from the press, the media will put a tabloid ‘spin’ on the story to bolster TV ratings and publication sales. The media publicized a recent trial involving injuries to a bicycle rider whom two witnesses stated ran through a red light in Harlem. The case still managed […]
The New York City personal injury Lawyers an online personal injury news service in New York City covering: Daughter of “Funny Cide” Jockey Sentenced for DWI that Left One Dead