Injured at the ballpark? New York Premises Liability Attorney Educates

New York City, New York ( — It is a beautiful summer day, you are at the ballpark enjoying a hot dog and cheering for your home team. Then suddenly, a hard-hit foul ball comes flying at you at a velocity that makes it impossible for you to react. Before know it, the ball strikes […]

Which one creates Restaurant Liability? Slip and fall, food poisoning / over-cooked chicken?

New York City restaurant liability lawyer answers. If you would like a question answered about New York premises liability, slip & fall, fill out the form below and a member of our panel comprising of leading New York premises liability lawyers can offer legal answers.

Accidents While Out of the Country : Legal Travel Tips by New York Injury Lawyer

New York City, New York ( — When you are traveling outside of this country it is always a good idea to make sure your health insurance covers you if you become sick or injured in another country. And obviously another good travel tip is that you obey all laws while visiting a foreign country. […]

Storm Warnings and Premises Liability – City of New York may still be responsible

Vito Cannavo a New York Premises municipal liability lawyer says – The Courts have adopted a defense for a landowner.Questions related to premises liability or product liability law are complex. Consult New York Premises liability attorney.

Social Host Liability by Vito Cannavo – New York City Personal Injury Attorney

New York City premises liability attorneys says – matters of law can be confusing to the average person–especially when it comes to figuring out liability. If you would like a question about New York premises liability, fill out the form below and a member of our panel comprising of leading New York premises liability lawyers can offer legal answers.

Negligence or Act of God? Legal Perspective by municipal liability attorney in New York

New York City, New York ( — This is a case, which at first glance, one might think was something that happened out of the blue and maybe was an act of God. But like many things in life, upon closer observation it turned out not to be that extraordinary at all. Ralph and Selma […]

Children Affected by Lead Poison in New York

Five Decades After New York City Banned Lead Paint, Sullivan Papain Block Mcgrath & Cannavo P.C. Continues To Represent Children Poisoned By Lead In Their Homes

Leading New York Injury Attorney Wins $850,000 Jury Award For Motorcyclist

Donte Mills, Esq. of Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo won $850,000.00 from a Bronx County jury in a case involving an injured motorcyclist and a roadway defect.