New York Injury News

Understanding Eligibility Requirements Prior to Filing for SSDI

10/08/2012 // TX, UsA // Wright Disability Firm // Wyatt Wright // (press release)

Although it is not mandatory that applicants fully understand all of the outlined eligibility requirements for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) prior to filing a claim, it is helpful to have at least a basic knowledge of the guidelines so that one does not feel blind-sided by an initial claim denial in the event that this occurs.

Often times, applicants get approved through the appeals process after first being denied benefits; however, for many the frustration of not being approved the first time deters them from appealing their claim on time forcing them to reapply . Those who are more familiar with the factors considered in determining eligibility are less likely to make a decision altering error in their initial application, appeal or even reapplication.

Individuals who qualify for SSDI must typically meet the following guidelines:

• Be determined to have a mental or physical disability according to the standards outlined by the Social Security Administration (SSA)

• Have a qualifying disability that lasts a minimum of 12 months or longer, or be expected to result in a fatality

• Have accumulated a qualifying number of Social Security credits from working

• Be under the age of 65

Other conditions may have an impact on whether one may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance. A qualified attorney who specializes in this area of practice or a professional Social Security Disability advocate can provide individuals with support for understanding eligibility requirements prior to filing a claim, or at any stage of the application process.

The Social Security Disability advocates of Wright & Wright, America’s Social Security Disability Firm™ can offer a free consultation to individuals with questions pertaining to filing for Social Security benefits. More information about the firm can be found by visiting

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