New York Injury News

Light rail workers to be fired after teen deaths

Legal news for Maryland Personal Injury attorneys— MTA officials discipline light rail employees for teens death.

Baltimore, MD ( – Two teenagers crossing the tracks of a light rail were allegedly struck from behind near Lutherville Station last summer, reported December 18, 2009 by the Baltimore Sun.

The two male teenagers were fatally injured by the passenger transportation train while two operators were on duty. Police identified the two boys as Jarrett Peterson and Kyle Wankmiller, who died shortly after the wreck. The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) reported that the negligent light rail employees, who were on the clock at the time of the fatal accident, will likely be fired from their jobs due to the teen deaths.

On December 18, 2009 an announcement was made by the MTA stating that their investigation probing the administration regarding the tragic light rail accident that took two teenagers lives was finally complete. The Baltimore County police authorities stated that charges would not be pressed against the light rail operators due to the MTA’s thorough investigation deeming that the deaths were accidental.

MTA authorities reported that the four employees who were responsible for the light rail trains at the time of the accident will be terminated or given some disciplinary action for the fatal accident. MTA officials reported that they would not comment about the situation due to pending litigation of the accident.

Bridget Hom

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