New York Injury News

NYC Personal Injury Urgent Bulletin – Woman sues NYC Dept of Corrections

New York personal injury lawyers issue urgent bulletin – New York Mother sues NYC Department of Correction for unlawful brutality in jail.

New York, NY ( — A New York mother is suing the New York City Department of Correction for corruption within the security system working with inmates from being brutalized to death when serving their sentences, reports Newsday.

Teenage inmate was killed while serving his sentence at a New York correctional facility called Rikers Island jail. His mother filed a lawsuit against the NYC Correctional Department for her son who was beaten to death in jail.

The mother, Charnel Robinson, told sources that she is suing the Department so that there might be a change in the way that the hierarchy in the correctional facility will see the error of their ways, and realize that the way in which the adolescent jail is operating right now is unacceptable, sources stated.

Three correctional police officers are being accused in court for allowing and encouraging brutal behavior amongst the inmates in order to impose the rules in the jail. Christopher was a victim of this unofficial regime.

suit maintains all of the evidence pertaining to the accused inmates and police responsible for the death of Robinson’s son. The New York City Law Department announced that they have not been informed on paper by the courts as of yet.

Bridget Hom


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