New York Injury News

New York road accident shatters dreams of a young girl

Syracuse, New York ( — Julie Tsang, 17, was killed by a drunk driver just moments after her graduation from high school and was heading to a party where she was to celebrate her bright future. Tsang left her parent’s Chinatown apartment not knowing this would be her last time with them.

The accident took place on Park Ave. and the girl died on the spot. Tsang was riding with her friend, Kevin Chang, when the truck slammed into her car at around 4 a.m. The driver of the truck has been identified as Robert Gomez, 22, from Garfield. Tsang’s friend was injured severely and is in critical condition.

Tsang was riding in the front seat when the car moved towards the left on the E. 65th St. and the drunk driver’s truck crashed into the car. The truck driver did not receive any injuries but was legally charged with negligent driving and homicide while being intoxicated. It has also been found in the investigation that Gomez was driving the vehicle with a suspended license. Ibrahima Dillo, an eyewitness, says that he used a knife to cut the seat belts to take out Chang from the car.

Joe Christ, a doorman, called 911 and says he saw Tsang breathing. He saw Tsang turning blue in color and then red and thought that she could be saved. Chang was immediately taken to the nearby New York Weill Cornell Hospital in a critical condition. All the relatives and family members of Tsang are still in shock and cannot believe that the enthusiastic and aspiring girl is no longer with them.

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